Days 14 & 15 of the August Screenshot Challenge

As I’m disorganized at the moment, today you’re getting Day 14 and Day 15 together. Hopefully as the rest of the month unfolds, things will improve  but given the state of the new house, I can’t promise anything.

So with the excuses over:

Day 14 – Trash

This was actually quite tricky. After I discounted Ogre mounds and anything to do with Goblins, I was left with the obvious solution, trash mobs but which to pick? In the end I thought I’d make my very own creepy carousel of bony carnival horses. It almost makes up for the fact that a certain Huntsman seems incapable of handing over his mount despite the fact that I ask ever so politely every week.


Day 15 – The Best

The best race? Clearly Gnome! The best moment in my WoW playing “career”? The best piece of loot?

In the end I decided on “the best” use of paralysis in-game.
