The Destruction of Theramore: How I would have designed it.

I know I and quite a few others have been pretty critical of the Theramore event so I thought I’d put my money where my mouth is and describe how I would played out the destruction had I been in charge of the design team. On the plus side it would have been epic but on the negative, MoP might have had half the budget but omelette/broken eggs and all that.

There will be some spoilers for the Tides of War so if you haven’t read the book feel free to look away now.

An event asΒ momentousΒ as the destruction of Theramore should be available to more than just those players at the level cap, therefore I would have made the first stages available to everyone of a level high enough to play in Dustwallow Marsh. Hitting level 35 especially after the changes they made to the level sizes would be easily within reach of everyone. The final “world event” bits would be available to everyone regardless of level.

So in the Beginning (Phase 1): This would have started around five weeks before the expansion start date.

Horde: Start with a spot of bullying in Orgrimmar helping MalkorokΒ Β (if you haven’t read the book lets just say he’s a really nasty Orc) weed out some of the more “misguided” of it’s citizens. After all, Garrosh needs to know he can trust you and what better way of discovering if you’re made of the right stuff by sending you out to do his dirty work. Once Garrosh felt you were loyal to the cause, you would be despatched to Dalaran to pass on a secret message to certain Bloodelf.

Alliance: Theramore is in danger and the heroes of the Alliance are once again called to Stormwind. Despite being battle hardened, you know little about spycraft and spend a few hours learning from the master himself, Mattias Shaw. From sneaking around the Palace learning a few dubious facts about Harrison Jones (I always knew he was a bad man!) to weeding out a Horde spy in the basement of the Blue Recluse you have to prove your mettle to the best S1: 7 has to offer.


Horde –Β Mind-forg’d Manacles (five hour cooldown, notΒ usableΒ in combat): A vanity item equipped in the bracer slot which allows the wearer to disappear in a cloud of smoke a la vanish. A must for all good spies and anyone fancying a career in the circus. Unfortunately where you reappear can’t always be relied on, 98.3 percent of the time it’s twenty yards away, other times it might be on a different continent. Wearer beware and all that.

Alliance – Binded BriarsΒ (five hour cooldown, notΒ usableΒ in combat): Basically the same as the Horde version only with a more flowery name.

Phase 2: Around three weeks before the expansion start date.

Would have seen both sides head towards Dustwallow Marsh. The Alliance to Theramore itself and the Horde to Β a zeppelin parked in the hills between the Barrens and Theramore. This phase would involve a daily style hub, one for each faction with a range of quests involving both subtle spying and actual skirmishes. Everything from aerial missions to try and discover what the opposing faction are actually up to, a spot of deep sea diving to plant mines/defuse them depending on your faction and collecting ingredients to weave magic spells to either weaken or strengthen the city walls. If you were Alliance that might involve going out alongside Shandris Feathermoon or General Marcus Jonathan or as Horde you might find yourself standing next to Baine in the battle lines.

In general though, there would be an increase in troop movements with the Alliance and Horde armies amassing ready for battle. In the cities, even those of the Eastern Kingdoms there would have a been a larger martial presence than normal too as both factions geared up for full out war.

Phase 3: A week before the expansion start date.

For the Alliance the actual explosion would come as the end of a daily. Players would complete the quest as normal but at the end would be shown a cut scene of the zeppelin flying over Theramore, Kalecgos trying to fight it off and then the huge purple glow as what was once a thriving city became nothing but a few burnt out buildings and a massive flickering crater.

At this point the Scenario would become available for characters in their 85th season.

On the Horde side, things would be slightly different. On the completion of your daily if you were 85, you would be offered the chance to queue for the Scenario and when that was over, you’d see the same cut scene as the Alliance. Players lower than 85 would just see the cutscene, the same as the Alliance.

Scenario: Basically as is currently is, rewarding the mini mana bomb and the tabard respectively.

Phase 4: The aftermath. Starting one day after the Scenario became available.

This would be a bit of a world event. It and it’s rewards would be available to everyone regardless of level and regardless of whether or not they’d completed the scenario. So for example lev 1s could take part and get involved.

In Orgrimmar the Horde would be celebrating the destruction of Theramore with victory marches, fireworks and speeches. Tables laden with food, roasted clefthoof imported from Outland and other expensive and delicious foods transported from the far reaches of Azeroth. Baine and Vol’jin would beΒ noticeablyΒ absent. Just like with the Wickerman festival, things would kick off with a speech from Garrosh every night at 7.00pm server time. During the day, drunken celebrating soldiers would be sprawled around their benches sleeping off the excesses of the night before or talking up their part in the war effort.

In Stormwind theΒ civilianΒ population of Theramore (at least those who were safelyΒ evacuated) would be set up in a small refugee camp within the city walls. A new statue would be erected in the graveyard to giveΒ remembranceΒ to those that died bravely defending their home. Instead of a victory march, there would be a vigil in the cemeteryΒ with candles and speeches from Jaina and Varian, remembering the dead and spurring on the living into seeking justice for their friends and loved ones. Again, things would begin at 7.00 pm only this time the event would start with the refugees moving slowly from their camp to the graveyard, in single file with their candles in hand.

Once players had witnessed these events, they would receive a “reward package” containing various vanity items.



  • A wand which isΒ usableΒ by everyone which conjures the smokey golden image of little giggling Gnome girl. At night if you’re by any street lamps which aren’t currently lit, as she floats past, they would automatically light. AΒ permanentΒ version of the one mentioned in the book which made me cry so much.
  • A trinket which allows you to summon a blue haired Nightelf warrior to fight alongside you for five minutes.


  • A wand which summons the image of a blackrock Orc, despite him only being there as a shadow any NPC Horde characters in the vicinity will immediately start talking about theirΒ allegiance to Garrosh and how he’s ten times the Warchief that Thrall was.
  • A trinket which allows you to summon a Bloodelf Mage in a Sunreaver outfit to fight alongside you for five minutes.

When all four fade into nothingness, the last thing they would say is “Remember Theramore”.

Basically I’d want the scenario to feel like a chapter from the story rather than just a random event dropped into the game. I also think that the game world working more closely with the book would have the added and extra benefit of then making people who perhaps wouldn’t normally buy tie in books decide that yes, they would like to read the whole story to help put things completely into context.

How would you have done it?

16 Responses

  1. Fantastic! I’d vote for you to be a lead designer πŸ™‚

  2. Damn girl, you are good! How would I do it? Your way, lol!

  3. Erinys, last night cross-dressing rogue and I talked for a long time about the arrogance and misguided direction Blizzard took with this, and while I am still miffed about feeling like we engaged players were doing most of the mental heavy lifting on this one, your description is not only spot-on, but presents the perfect balance of gravitas and emotional engagement I think both sides were sorely lacking. (Yes, my Horde friends, even though you technically “win” this round, didn’t it feel like a zero-sum game?)

    This is absolutely perfect.

    (And what I would do for a way to see the lost daughter…)

    • I fell for Pained the second I set eyes on her way back in vanilla and whilst I was glad to see her have a speaking role in the book, I’m so saddened that Blizzard haven’t bothered translating their memories into the game.

      Also Gnomes are a bit like the Borg, kill one, you diminish us all 😦

  4. I would’ve absolutely loved something like this! And those rewards are just….so awesome! I would give an arm and leg for those wands lol – the gnome is adorable and the horde one just cracks me up. πŸ™‚

    • I really think Blizzard underestimated how much the player base cared about Theramore. We needed something a bit more tangible than a nice hat or a purple weapon.

  5. Love what you’ve done here. I have an idea of my own that I’m just trying to figure out a bit better in my head (and of course now don’t want to steal from you) before I post it.


  6. I’d decided to just stop reading posts about Theramore because I couldn’t stand any more of the complaining and negativity. But, oh, am I glad that I read this one! Bravo, Erinys — that would have been an *awesome* world event. If only it *had* been done that way in the game!

    • Ty.

      Either way I want to kill Garrosh but at least this way, I have a proper in-game rational for it. In fact even if they’d just had the scenarios and then some sort of celebration/mourning depending on your faction, I think that people would be a lot less angry.

  7. […] else in the way of a pre-launch event, nothing that a low level character can do or participate in. Erinys’s suggestions for how a world event about Theramore could have been done are […]

  8. Erinys for Warchief!

    Failing that a job at Blizzard!

    These idea’s were fantastic. I don’t have the beta so I never got to check – I understand that this scenario was released to give us a sneak peak into what to expect in Mists. But at 90, in MoP are the scenario’s explained or much like this one are we just thrown into it and expected to have read the books?

    • Ty. I think most of the scenarios will be fairly self explanatory or that the quests around and leading up to them will have covered most of what we need to know, which is why I feel that Theramore just wasn’t suitable as one 😦

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